20 February 2011

Your Apps Really Are Watching You!

Wow, the more we look into this the more we find. Just check out this recent article from the Wall street Journal, "Your Apps are watching you " by Scott Thurm and Yukari Iwatani Kane. (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704368004576027751867039730.html )

Armed with data of this nature, users can be targeted for advertising and other trending information. In fact, several apps receive permission to access a users mail list, telephone contact and call lists. Imagine what someone can do with that information! Some apps are even allowed to send e-mails using your smart phone and it’s e-mail contact list.

With TI, our Mission is to provide a tool for users to take back control of their Smart phone by being alerted when conditions as noted above and in the WSJ article are started so that users can decide whether or not they want to allow it.

Task Identifier aims to become the number one data protection and control tool available. Once configured, TI will notify the user when an app starts with a Green, Yellow or Red alert. Additionally, Task Identifier offers an ‘Auto-Kill’ function, which allows the user to immediately “Kill” an offending application.

We'd like to hear your stories on what you've seen your Smart Phone doing and how TI has helped. We look forward to hearing from you!

R2 & JG

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